
kjskug aybyh aochfs

Ivan quickly realized that his experiment seems there is a deadly leak dòng! Even if, even if he found a unit that era, but also enough jīng indeed, but he has what is to guarantee that there will be enough jīng accuracy while casting himself ? Come back to remember done a million times before their experiment, this experiment a million times, who can guarantee that toms outlet integer that is in strict accordance with the proportion of such accomplished, Ivan has been tried before, the reign of surface coordinates, even, such a small difference and it also represents the two decidedly different worlds !

Ivan found himself caught in a similar paradox seems contradictory. If the cast is needed jīng degree,toms on sale, why twice cast, will produce the same results ? Conversely, if the cast does not need jīng degree, why in one and, even such nuances, you will get different results ? What is the most critical in controlling this casting process, why the gap between the two has jīng degree circle in the Master 's men will have the same, a trace is not bad magic effect ?

Ivan suddenly realized that over. Prophecy is prophecy circle ! How no matter what the Master on the map to see the picture is, toms sale the jīng degree kind, but in the final analysis, the magic circle is just an auxiliary tool for constructing magic instead of thinking process, the real magic, nature or Master the brain at work, is the brain through the prophetic circle, during work, the circle is to help predict the Master control magic tool ! So, no matter how much the painting is on the map, as long as the brain is jīng correct number, then there is no problem, the real jīng degree of understanding from the Master thinking, rather than the reality of the scale !

